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On Wednesdays we wear pink....

Even thought today most certainly isn’t hump-day, I did want to take a moment to highlight Breast Cancer Awareness month.

As Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) month comes to an end, I can help but think about all of the women in my life. One in particular, my aunt Bessie, stands out, because she was BCA warrior for over 20 years. I call her a warrior because she was more than just a survivor, she had breast cancer and thrived. In many ways, BCA has been a staple feminists movement. It gave women a voice and made men listen and care. It made talking about a woman’s body, from a health standpoint, less taboo.

BCA paved the way for women to talk about other issues that impacted them, such as mental health, abuse, and other topics. BCA shows that women around the world are stronger than we’ve ever imagined. BCA shows us the warrior inside mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, and cousins.

Typically, in epidemiology, mortality rates are presented, showing how many people die in x time-period from a particular disease process or illness. Rather than highlighting that over 41,000 are expected to die from breast cancer, this year. Let’s highlight the fact that every day, millions around the survive to see another day!