With these hands…

I’ve always admired people who work with their hands, people who could people, and create amazing things through their own effort. ⠀ ⠀

I got this healing hand shirt from @nineliveshealth and @nursesinspirenurses⠀ Strangely enough, in the past, I never considered my work as a nurse as “working with my hands”.... despite how often I must touch other people in my job. I just viewed touch as part of the territory of being a #nurse and not anything special. Now, however, I see things differently. Of course, much of my work is non-tangible; it involves a lot of reasoning and internal and external emotional processing.

What I learned was that my touch, my hands, can and have done amazing things. They have changed complex dressing and healed wounds. They have caressed some to sleep and some into the great sleep that is death. They have acted as guides to those who were scared and alone. They have pushed life into someone body countless times. These hands have held people of all ages. These hands have had to protect.... These hands have opened relationships that forever changed my life. These hands have made others feel dignified and worthy and like a “normal” human being again. These hands have fed those that couldn’t feed themselves. These hands have made the voice of others heard. ⠀ ⠀

What I know now is that the way I use my hands as a nurse can be just as marvelous as any artisan. With these hands, I can make the world a place in which more people wish to exist. ⠀ ⠀

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Social Media Hiatus Begins 3/18/2020